Life in the Orefice Lab

December 2023: Lab Holiday Party

August 2023: Congrats, Karen!

Celebrating Karen’s start to her thesis work in the Orefice lab :)

July 2023: Congrats, Emily!

Celebrating Emily’s start to her thesis work in the Orefice lab :)

June 2023: Celebrating Aixin!
Aixin will be moving on to start in the Harvard Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience this fall! :)

December 2022: Lab Holiday Party at Trillium Brewing Co.

October 2022: Halloween festivities

September 2022: Red Sox game at Fenway

September 2022: Program in Neuroscience intro poster session for new students

July 2022: Flower picking with the lab

July 2022: Lab lunch at one of our favorite spots!

May 2022: Tan-Yang Center at Harvard Gift Celebration

December 2021: Lab holiday party

Halloween 2021: Pumpkin carving

September 2021: Apple and pumpkin picking

August 2021: Lab members show off some summer gifts from our department

July 1, 2021: Graduate students all move up a year!

June 25, 2021: Shawn’s last day in the lab
Shawn is joining Rockefeller for his PhD training- we are very proud of him!

April 2021:
Lyuba passed her pre-qualifying exam!


February 2021:
Yuki and Zach passed their pre-qualifying exams!

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Halloween 2020


July 19, 2020:
Outdoor lab events


Lots of Lab Zooms!


Feb. 27, 2020: Lab Celebrations


Herriet and Kelsey passed their pre-qualifying exams- they are officially Ph.D. candidates!

Candlepin Bowling, Jan. 23, 2020


January 1, 2020: 1st year labiversary!


Celebrating Charline’s Hearst Postdoctoral Fellowship!!!


Molecular Biology Department Retreat at Cape Cod

Lab Pumpkin Carving

Wine Wednesdays

10/7/19: Lab Dinner at Myers & Chang (and Kelsey’s belated birthday celebration!)


Lab Picture Day

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Bubble Tea Break

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8/4/19: BBQ at Larz Anderson Park


Grad students Kelsey and Herriet doing some light reading in the lab


7/1/19: Lots to celebrate! The lab is 6 months old today, and we welcome Elisa for her first day in the lab. Our two PiN graduate students become G2s today, as well!


6/5/19: We escaped the room!


Trying out Beacon Hill pizzerias during lab meetings


Welcome lunch for Charline and Herriet!


Celebrating Pi Day

Pi Day!

Our first lab meeting: awesome science and lots of donuts


January 1st, 2019: Orefice Lab is officially open!


We are located in the Simches Research Center, in the Department of Molecular Biology. The lab is nestled in the Beacon Hill area of Boston.

We are located in the Simches Research Center, in the Department of Molecular Biology. The lab is nestled in the Beacon Hill area of Boston.

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